To upload your job vacancy on the EIT Food website (via the CV Warehouse platform), contact [email protected]. Once live, it will automatically be promoted on various job boards and social media channels such as LinkedIn, or other local or industry-specific job boards, giving your job vacancy all the exposure it needs. The CV Warehouse platform will also send push notifications to potential candidates that fit your job description via the different job boards. You can find a list of partners that CV Warehouse works with here 

While CV Warehouse does most of the work for you automatically, there are also some other best practice HR tips that you can follow to ensure your job vacancy reaches the right, quality people.  


EIT Food website: job description & keywords 

Candidates will often look for jobs via search engines like Google. 

Before submitting your job description to the HR team, think carefully about the job title, description and the keywords that you use to enable potential candidates to find your vacancy easily when searching online. This is probably the most effective way to promote your job vacancy.  

Find extra tips about how to SEO-optimise your content here. 

It is important to keep job descriptions short, to the point and no-longer than one page. Keep in mind that EIT Food is targeting a motivated and ambitious audience.  


The HR team will also proof-read and provide support to finalise the job description before it is published and will alert you if they feel your job is not receiving enough applications.   

Social media 

LinkedIn job section 

The jobs section of LinkedIn is your go-to place to connect with job candidates. This is where most candidates will start their job search.  

The HR team has a contract with LinkedIn via the CV Warehouse platform to post jobs to LinkedIn’s job posting section. If you would like to publish your job on LinkedIn, please write to [email protected]. 

The EIT Food HR consultant and expert marketing agency both advise against using paid advertising to boost your job vacancy as this is expensive and drives very little results in terms of quality candidates.   

Pro tip: Ask your colleagues and your network to post about the job opening on their personal social media channels to help reach a broader quality audience - providing ready-made images and some social media copy can help with this.  

An example of the EIT Food Accelerator Network's recruitment toolkit can be found here. 


Activate your network 

Make use of colleague referrals - it helps if colleagues share personal and positive experiences of working for EIT Food and include family and friends in their entourage who may be interested. 

Use your personal social media channels to reach your network and showcase how happy you are to work for EIT Food - employer-branding goes a long way.  


Following publication on the CV Warehouse platform, you are encouraged to share the position on FoodHIVE. It's a great place to promote your vacancy as many of our community members are passionate about the food system and would like to join EIT Food.

You can add it to the Careers section and/or write a post on the live feed to broaden the exposure. To find out more about FoodHIVE and how to post, please read What is FoodHIVE and how do I use it?

HR tips 

If you want candidates with drive and energy, you need to move fast: 

  • The recruitment period needs to be short - best-practice is a few weeks - a candidate cannot wait four months to receive a reply 
  • Once you know your ideal start date, immediately block out time for you and your team the month before the desired start date to ensure you are all available for interviews
  • The recruitment phase needs to be representative of the type of candidate you are looking for - if you are looking for dynamic and ambitious people, the recruitment phase needs to be quick and agile   


Keep GDPR in mind: 

  • Use the CV Warehouse platform which is GDPR compliant  
  • Candidates need to know where their CVs are stored each step of the way 

Be sure to inform candidates if their application has been unsuccessful - everyone deserves a reply. The HR team will do this for you via the CV Warehouse system

For more information, reach out t[email protected].

This article was last reviewed in December 2023 and will be reviewed again in December 2024.

If you have feedback on this article, do let us know. You can drop us a note via our contact form.