Once you've set up your LinkedIn Showcase Page, you can start working on increasing its visibility and engaging with your audience. In this article you will learn how you can promote your LinkedIn page and what things to keep in mind when writing content.

How do I promote a Showcase Page?

Here are 3 simple steps if you want to promote your LinkedIn Showcase Page.


Increase visibility: Increase the visibility of your Showcase Page by commenting and sharing content from other pages including the parent LinkedIn page. 

Sponsor a few posts: Sponsoring posts will extend your reach and make your page visible beyond the existing network. You can do this by following the Digital advertising process. 


Add follow buttons: Add links or buttons to emails, newsletters, website pages, etc. that take your audience directly to your Showcase Pages.

How do I optimise content on LinkedIn and boost engagement?

The first 60 minutes after posting are the most critical for beating LinkedIn's algorithm. Often referred to as The Golden Hour, the engagement your post receives in this short timespan will determine its content quality score and whether it achieves greater visibility on the platform.

When you post, LinkedIn puts your content into one of three buckets: spam, low quality, high quality.

To avoid being categorised as spam is easy. Ensure everything you post on LinkedIn follows these 5 steps:

  1. Use good grammar
  2. Don't use multiple links
  3. Don't tag more than 5 people
  4. Don't post more than every 3 hours
  5. Don't use hashtags such as "follow", "comment" or "like."

Being categorised as high quality is where it gets tricky. Some things that you can try doing are:

  • Only tag people if you are confident they will respond and are relevant to the topic
  • Use around 3 hashtags - one should be broad, the next a little more niche, and the last very niche (example: #SocialMedia, #b2bSocialMedia, #b2bSocialMediaStrategy). Here are some tips for choosing hashtags.
  • Format your post so it's accessible and easy to read
  • Go niche versus broad on your topics
  • Post things that encourage a response (an easy way to do this is by asking a question)
  • Not use links in the post (put them in comments)
  • Use strong keywords

Check out the article with tips and tricks for creating engaging social media posts.

Post at a time when your followers are onlineJust post and forget. You need to come back to the post and interact with any comments
Ask a question to spark engagementTag people unless you know at least one of them will respond within an hour
Follow a consistent posting schedule so your followers know when to check for new postsGo back and edit your post. This can weaken the reach
Respond to anyone who engages
Encourage colleagues and contacts to quickly reshare your content

What content performs well on LinkedIn?

Updates, news and blog posts

  • Use your LinkedIn Showcase Page to share meaningful content that provides value to your target audience. LinkedIn is great for blog posts, written content, articles, and guides. 
  • You can post entire articles, a short snippet, or add a link to the blog post on your business website. 

Powerful images and videos

  • Using high-quality images is a great way for you to increase engagement with your connections. Follow our guidelines for choosing EIT Food images
  • Visual content is more attractive and digestible - it allows users to understand the message without going through long blog posts.
  • Although images can increase user or customer engagement, videos can streamline the entire process and user experience. According to Hootsuite, videos are 3x times more engaging than articles.

Share third-party content  

  • LinkedIn is not all about you, your company, products, or services. If you find an interesting and relevant article for your 'sub-brand' audience, you should share its link on your page. 
  • Although linking to third-party content is not directly 'beneficial' for your business or sub-brand, it will engage your potential customers with meaningful information and showcase your knowledge and expertise of the industry.


Webinar recording

Learn more useful information and tips on how to use LinkedIn Showcase Pages:

This article was last reviewed in November 2022 and will be reviewed again in April 2023.

If you have feedback on this article, do let us know. You can drop us a note via our contact form.